After the devastating events at Reed's birthday party, Noelle is determined to put the past to rest, but Reed is adament about rebuilding Billings. Coming up against endless roadblocks from the headmaster, not to mention Billings alumni, Reed will not let her legacy end with a pile of rubble.
As if...
After the shocking revelations made in the Private prequel, The Book of Spells, Noelle and Reed know they are descendants of the original Billings Girls and their legacy includes a mysterious coven of witches. But it's nothing compared to what happens next. One by one, Billings Girls go missing from...
Lost and found...
Against all odds, Reed Brennan re-established Billings as an underground literary society. She and the new initiates created a glamorous secret headquarters and were ready to show Easton Academy that even though Billings House is gone, the Billings Girls are stronger than ever. But...
After her harrowing kidnapping, Reed returns to Easton to find the worst thing she can think of—Billings has been torn
down. Finally, after years of controversy, the school’s wealthiest female alumni have been overruled, and the historical dorm is gone from Easton Academy.
How will Reed and the res...
Forbidden fruit...
Reed, Noelle, and former Billings Girls Kiran and Taylor have been living it up on St. Barths over winter break. The tropical sun has melted away all the tensions of last semester, and for the first time in months, Reed is happy. She's got her best friends by her side, she has a...
Now that Cheyenne's murderer has been revealed and Reed knows the truth about who's been stalking her, she's ready to leave the heartache and turmoil of last semester behind. And what better way to recover than a five-star Caribbean vacation?
Reed is reunited with former Billings Girls Kiran and Ta...
The biggest mystery of all...and Reed is dying to learn the truth.
Two months after Cheyenne Martin was found dead in her Billings House dorm room, exclusive Easton Academy is rocked by another stunning revelation: Cheyenne was murdered. No one knows who the killer is, but everyone agrees that Reed...
Tyt oryg.: Ambition
Tłum.: Jaszczurowska Maria
Walka o ukochany internat i… życie.
Reed Brennan stoi przed nie lada wyzwaniem. Po ostatniej szalonej imprezie dyrekcja zagroziła zamknięciem Billings. Jako prezeska, Reed nie może do tego dopuścić.
Jedynym rozwiązaniem jest zbiórka pięciu m...