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Liceum -> Języki obce -> Angielski - str 26
I think computer and the Internet have some disadventages like viruses and bugs that can slow down work your computer or preclusion correctly function computer. If you spend to many time with computer you can have antimetropia e.g. short-sighted or long sight. Sometimes people who stay a long time on-line at the Internet become addiction for computer an(...)
Dodane przez: Artur
Dodano: 02 IX 2010, 13:09:30
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 838
A holiday report I spent my favourite holiday in Austria. I was there three years ago with my brother and mother. We stayed for a week in my aunt's home in Payerbach. We drove to Austria by car with my cousin and hers husband. We arrived to my cousin's apartment in the evening. We went there to chinese restaurant. Next day we drove to my aunt (...)
Dodane przez: Artur
Dodano: 02 IX 2010, 13:02:29
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 6945
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