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Liceum -> Języki obce -> Angielski - str 12
Czasu Past Simple używamy, gdy mówimy o : czynności, która zaczęła i skończyła się w przeszłości w znanym czasie I watched a comedy film on TV last night. Oglądałem komedię w telewizji ostatniej nocy. czynnościach, które wydarzyły się w przeszłości jedna po drugiej He woke up, had breakfast and then left for his office. Wstał, zjadł śniadanie i po(...)
Dodane przez: bo1996
Dodano: 05 III 2013, 20:02:16
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 31
Dear Sir Or Madam, …. Sport is extremely important in my life. I have been playing volleyball for five years and I think I am quite good at it. My team won the local Volleyball Cup last summer and I am sure we will will this summer too. I would like to become a member of your sports club. I have good organizational skills and I Love a new chal(...)
Dodane przez: ceejmill
Dodano: 05 III 2013, 17:03:34
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 33
When my uncle invited me to visit him in Kenya last summer, I couldn't contain my excitement. Knowing I loved elephants, he had promised me to take me on an elephant safari. It provided to be the highlight of my stay. I'd been in Kenya for three days when my uncle announced that the day of our adventure had arrived. We set off my uncle's jeep early t(...)
Dodane przez: mateusz6a
Dodano: 27 II 2013, 18:32:00
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 30
Nowadays, more and more teenagers are eating out. More than 50% young people had eaten in the fast food restaurants and this number continues to rise. Have you ever reflected on how eating fast food influences your health? Although the fast food make our lives easier, there are also some obvious drawbacks involved. Probably the greatest advantage o(...)
Dodane przez: paaaulina94
Dodano: 26 II 2013, 22:05:38
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 272
Hi Matt! How are you? I'm so sorry i didn't come to your party but i had gone to my grandparents for their party. My parents asked me to do it and i couldn't say no. Anyway, how was it? Did you have fun? Tell me everything about it! Can't wait to hearing from you Love, XYZ(...)
Dodane przez: onoovo
Dodano: 23 II 2013, 11:36:34
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 29
Yellowstone National Park established by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant. National park located primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming, although it also extends into Montana and Idaho. Yellowstone, widely held to be the first national park in the world is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especi(...)
Dodane przez: soadlistener
Dodano: 21 II 2013, 20:53:29
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 38
First of all I will say that being in my age in Poland as a teenager is not easy and not really hard. All the people should remember with a smile on their face what funny things they were doing at school, how they used to play with their friends or how much they loved their first boyfriend/girlfriend also in this period of time teenagers we try all kind(...)
Dodane przez: zdenekj23
Dodano: 12 II 2013, 18:11:59
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 52
A lot of people dream about it to be rich, have much cash in their wallet and do not worry about the future. Most of them, do not realize that the life of a rich man is not so simple and it has both advantages as well disadvantages. I will try to present them.(55) There are a few advantages to be a rich. First of all, person who has a lot of money, can(...)
Dodane przez: maly366
Dodano: 12 II 2013, 12:38:36
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 56
Waiter: Good evening. May I help you? Guest: Good evening. We booked a table for two yesterday. Waiter: Your name, Sir? Guest: Smith. John Smith. Waiter: Oh, yes. Table numer eight. This way, please. Guest: May we sit here? We'd like a table in the corner. Waiter: I'm sorry, Sir. This table is reserved. Guest: All right then. Could we have the me(...)
Dodane przez: rumun1212
Dodano: 05 II 2013, 17:22:02
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 46
Emma could not believe what she saw in front of her. It was her brother, Bob, with blood on his hands. She was shocked, she couldn't even say a word. She was just staring at him with her eyes wide open. Bob wanted to hug her but Emma ran away to the nearest forest as fast as she could. She had been running for two hours in the dark forest when ten wolve(...)
Dodane przez: haniakos
Dodano: 01 II 2013, 21:09:09
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 103
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