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Wypracowania dodane przez polcia2411
My family consists of three people. Me, my mom and dad. My name is Anna I am 16 years old. My mum is 38 years old and she is beautiful. She has long brown hair and green eyes. Her name is Monika. She is teacher of mathematics. My dad is 40 years old and he is very smart. His name is Grzegorz. He is working in bank and he is banker. He is very tall and s(...)
Dodane przez: polcia2411
Dodano: 26 IX 2013, 08:35:47
Ostatnie zmiany: 26 IX 2013, 09:10:09
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 21

Wypracowań: 1

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Autor wypracowań: polcia2411