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Wypracowania dodane przez Monisia22002
1.Historia Eda. He started school twenty years ago,next he went to secondary school. He left it and he finished university and got a degree, but then he had an argument with his girlfriend and she dumped him. 2.My bedroom. My bedroom is the darkest, the most noisy and the most boring.It isn’t big.My furniture are modern but I’ve got a lot of photos.I’v(...)
Dodane przez: Monisia22002
Dodano: 07 I 2013, 10:32:47
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 36

Wypracowań: 1

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Autor wypracowań: Monisia22002