Książki autorstwa Jane Washington

Lead Heart
Jane Washington

“The paint dripped off me like a liquid coat and I inhaled the toxic fumes, sucking the undiluted scent into my lungs. My pupils dilated as I sank into the vision of a pain so absolute, it went beyond pain. It should have rendered me unconscious, it should have affected my ability, it felt like it s...

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Watercolour Smile
Jane Washington

“Maybe I was stupid to have agreed to this, but when all of the options that you have in life are dangerous ones, you can only choose to do something reckless, or turn a blind eye and allow the cards to fall as they may… and I was sick of being blind.” Seraph Black has endured a vicious stalker, a...

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Charcoal Tears
Jane Washington

“You see, there is safety in simplicity… in a life of simple peace, where the electricity doesn’t dance across the backs of my eyelids, and the sparks don’t slither over my consciousness. Only asinine peace, where my paintings don’t seem to paint themselves, leaving me with terrible feelings of prem...

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The Soulstoy Inheritance
Jane Washington

Exiled for a treason that she did not commit and estranged from her friends, Beatrice Harrow finds herself caught up in the politics of her unwanted kingdom. With the looming Throne Test and a High Council to contend with, she soon discovers that the Synfee Empire without Nareon is a dangerous, dupl...

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Jane Washington

Beatrice Harrow has the blood of a tainted creature running through her veins. It makes her more powerful, more beautiful and more despised than any other being in the human kingdom. So she is naturally suspicious when the ever-smiling Cale and his comparatively tacit counterpart, Prince Hazen, befr...

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Jaymin Eve, Jane Washington

Willa Knight: ziemianka? Twardzielka? Maskotka pięciu magicznych istot? W Bożylesie obowiązują pewne zasady, a Willa zostaje zmuszona do ich przestrzegania. Jedynym problemem jest… ona sama. W sumie nic dziwnego, bo dziewczyna sprawia kłopoty praktycznie od urodzenia, co może potwierdzić jej przysz...

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Jaymin Eve, Jane Washington

W Minatsol bycie ziemianinem oznacza, że nie jesteś niczym więcej niż brudem – i to w dosłownym tego słowa znaczeniu. W zasadzie nawet brud może być bardziej użyteczny niż Willa. Tacy jak ona często poświęcają życie służbie istotom zwanym sol, które pewnego dnia mogą stać się bogami. Na szczęście wi...

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Książek: 15